The Society is in charge of by the Board of Directors with consultation and support by the Consultancy Board in the ways as specified respectively in Clause 5 and Clause 6 of the ISCWP Constitution (9th October 2023 amended version).

The Current Board of Directors

1 July 2023 - 30 June 2026

SUN, Wei / President
(Beijing Academy of Social Sciences, P. R. CHINA)
LUO, Shirong / Vice President
(Simmons University, USA)
DAI, Yuanfang / Secretary-Treasurer
(Michigan State University, USA)

The Board of Directors July 1, 2020 – June 30, 2023

  • President: Alexus McLeod (University of Connecticut, USA)

  • Vice-President: Wei Sun (Beijing Academy of Social Sciences, P. R. CHINA)

  • Secretary-Treasurer: Mercedes Valmisa (Gettysburg College, USA)

The Board of Directors July 1, 2017– June 30, 2020

  • President: Guoxiang Peng (Zhejiang University, P. R. CHINA)

  • Vice-President: Alexus McLeod (University of Connecticut, USA)

  • Secretary-Treasurer: Mathew Foust (Central Connecticut State University, USA)

The Board of Directors July 1, 2014 – June 30, 2017

  • President: Yang Xiao (Kenyon College, USA)

  • Vice-President: Guoxiang Peng (Zhejiang University, P. R. CHINA)

  • Secretary-Treasurer: Sarah Mattice (University of North Florida, USA)

The Board of Directors July 1, 2011 – June 30, 2014

  • President: Sor-hoon Tan (National University of Singapore, SINGAPORE)

  • Vice-President: Yang Xiao (Kenyon College, USA)

  • Secretary-Treasurer: Hagop Sarkissian (The City University of New York, Baruch College, USA)

The Board of Directors July 1, 2008 – June 30, 2011

  • President: Stephen Angle (Wesleyan University, USA)

  • Vice-President: Sor-hoon Tan (National University of Singapore, SINGAPORE)

  • Secretary-Treasurer: Justin Tiwald (San Friancisco State University, USA)

The Board of Directors July 1, 2005 – June 30, 2008:

  • President: Xianglong Zhang (Peking University, P. R. China)

  • Vice-President & Treasurer: Stephen Angle (Wesleyan University, USA)

  • Secretary: July 1, 2005 – June 30, 2007, Lin Ma (University of Leuven, BELGIUM)

  • Secretary: July 1, 2007 – June 30, 2008, Derong Chen (Wuhan University, P. R. CHINA)

The Board of Directors Spring 2002-June 30, 2005:

  • President: Bo Mou (San Jose State University, USA)

  • Vice-President: Xianglong Zhang (Peking University, P. R. CHINA)

  • Secretary-Treasurer: Tao Jiang (Southern Illinois University at Carbondale, USA)

The Consultancy Board

The Consultancy Board (formerly Advisory Board) consists of the past Presidents, invited distinguished scholars in comparative studies of Chinese and Western philosophy who endorse and support the ISCWP’s mission, and other invited experienced individuals who have made substantial contributions to the healthy development of the Society in fulfilling its mission.
For its role of consultation and support, see Clause 6 of the ISCWP Constitution (2023-10-9 amended version).

MOU, Bo / Founding President 2002-2005 (San Jose State University, USA)

AlLLINSON, Robert (Soka University of America, USA / 2002- )
AMES, Roger (Peking University, P. R. CHINA / 2002- )
ANGLE, Stephen (Wesleyan University, USA / 2011- )
CHEN, Bo (Wuhan University, P. R. CHINA / 2020- )
CHEN, Lai (Tsinghua University, P. R. CHINA / 2020- )
CHU, Zhaohua (Wuhan University, P. R. CHINA / 2023- )
FUNG, Yiu-ming (Hong Kong University of Science and Technology, P. R. CHINA / 2023- )
HABERMAS, Jürgen (Goethe University, GERMANY / 2008- )
HAN, Linhe (Peking University, P. R. CHINA / 2023- )
HANSEN, Chad (University of Hong Kong, HONG KONG, P. R. CHINA / 2002- )
HUANG, Yong (Chinese University of Hong Kong, HONG KONG, P. R. CHINA / 2020- )
JIANG, Tao (Rutgers University, USA / 2023- )
KERN, Iso (Bern University, SWITZERLAND / 2005- )
KRAUSZ, Michael (Bryn Mawr College, USA / 2004-)
LEE, Ming-huei (Academia Sinica, TAIWAN, ROC / 2020- )
MAKEHAM, John (La Trobe University, AUSTRALIA / 2020- )
MCLEOD, Alex (University of Connecticut, USA) / 2023- )
MOU, Bo (San Jose State University, USA / 2002- )
NEVILLE, Robert Cummings (Boston University, USA / 2002- )
PENG, Guoxiang (Zhejiang University, P. R. CHINA / 2020- )
ROETZ, Heiner (Ruhr University, GERMANY / 2020- )
SHUN, Kwong-loi (University of California at Berkeley, USA / 2002- )
STANDAERT, Nicolas (University of Leuven, BELGIUM / 2002- )
TAN, Sor-hoon (Singapore Management University, SINGAPORE / 2014- )
TIWALD, Justin (University of Hong Kong, P. R. CHINA / 2023- )
WALDENFELS, Bernhard (Ruhr University, GERMANY / 2002- )
WONG, David (Duke University, USA / 2002- )
XIAO, Yang (Kenyon College, USA / 2017- )
YANG, Guorong (East China Normal University, P. R. CHINA / 2020- )

Forrmer Member of Consultancy [Advisory] Board

CUA, A. S. [1932-2007] (Catholic University of America, USA / 2002-2007)
CHENG, Chung-ying [1935-2024] (University of Hawaii at Manoa, USA / 2002-2024 )
DAVIDSON, Donald [1917-2003] (University of California at Berkeley, USA / 2002-2003)
HOLENSTEIN, Elmar (Swiss Federal Institute of Technology, SWITZERLAND / 2002-2020)
INADA, Kenneth [1923-2011] (State University of New York at Buffalo, USA / 2002-2011)
LI, Youzheng (Independent Scholar, CHINA/USA / 2002-2020)
LIU, Shu-hsien [1934-2016] (Academia Sinica, TAIWAN, ROC / 2002-2016)
MORTON, Adam [1945-2020] (University of British Columbia, CANADA / 2002-2020)
RICŒUR, Paul [1913-2005] (University of Paris X, FRANCE / 2002-2005)
RORTY, Richard [1931-2007] (Stanford University, USA / 2002-2007)
SEARLE, John (University of California at Berkeley, USA / 2004-2019)
YE, Xiushan [1935-2016] (Chinese Academy of Social Sciences, P. R. CHINA / 2002-2016)
ZHANG, Xianglong [1949-2022], President 2005-2008 (Peking University, P. R. CHINA / 2002-2022)

For writings in memory of Donald Davidson (1917-2003), A. S. Cua (1932-2007), Richard Rorty (1931-2007), Adam Morton (1945-2020) , and Xianglong Zhang (1949-2022) relevant to their valuable contributions to the development of the ISCWP [in the order of their passing-away years], see Bo Mou's memorial articles as follows: